home values bend oregon

Home values in Bend Oregon have been on a roller coaster ride over the last 14 years and many home owners and Real Investors have successfully weathered the ups and downs.

From 2006 to 2012 the Case-Shiller Housing Index would lose 33% but, thankfully that wouldn’t stop investors from coming back to the Real Estate market because, they realized the great deals they could get by buying homes at the bottom of the market.

Thankfully the Real Estate recovery has been going great across the country for the last two years and the Case-Shiller index shows us that home values have increased by 10% year-over-year since the recovery began back in 2012.

Back To Normal

Thanks to a recent report by CNN money we know that the Real Estate market is back on track and home values can now be considered to be “normal” by the standards of many economists across the country.

This year home prices haven’t increased as rapidly as they did last year and that’s intriguing because, home prices typically appreciate just a little bit faster than inflation and steady home values combined with a consistent supply of homes has made it easier for more home buyers to enter the Real Estate market including first time home buyers.

Hard Data

Last week Case –Shiller released some data that shows how the housing market has been changing in recent years.

For example: low price homes ($95,000 or less) have been fueling the recovery of the Real Estate market  because, thanks to deeply discounted prices low priced homes have driven up prices by over 30% since the bottom of the Real Estate market back in 2011 until now.

Low price tier homes for sale have slowed across the United States in the last quarter to just 1.2%, compared to 3.7% one year ago but thanks to more building in cities like Bend, it looks like we are finally seeing an even balance of supply and demand after a few years of “lopsided” results of too much demand and little supply.

For more information on the latest Real Estate news, or to view Bend Oregon homes for sale, contact me today for a free Real Estate consultation by calling me at (541) 383-1426.
