(Updated on March 24, 2020)
First of all, on behalf of the entire Skjersaa Group, we hope you and your families are healthy and doing as well as possible during this incredibly difficult time. We are grateful for the proactive measures our local and regional governments, as well as local businesses in Bend, are taking to protect our community the best they can from the worst effects of the coronavirus outbreak. We also appreciate our workers who are on the frontlines right now providing essential services and healthcare.
The acts of kindness and generosity that are rippling through our community are profound, heartfelt gestures that mean a lot right now, and make us proud to call Bend home. We hope you will take this time to appreciate your family and friends, follow the guidelines being issued for the safety of everyone in our community, and support those in need of an extra hand up right now.
Needless to say, this is the time to follow the guidelines of local, regional and national governmental and healthcare agencies regarding hygiene and the “Stay Home, Save Lives” order.
Our team has a few additional suggestions for navigating this period of “sheltering in place” mindfully:
Health and Home
- Get fresh air and exercise by walking your dog, going for a hike or riding your bike while keeping at least a six-foot distance from people you do not share a home with. It is good for both your physical and mental wellbeing.
- Have a favorite hobby? Now is the time to embrace the things that feed your soul like craft projects.
- Kick off spring cleaning by tackling areas you normally clean once or twice a year, like degreasing kitchen cabinets or cleaning light fixtures.
- Catch up on home projects including small repairs, DIY improvements and organizing your pantry.
- When possible, continue to support local businesses.
- Buy mindfully and do not “stockpile.” This protects in-store inventories of necessities so they are available to everyone in our community, especially those who may not have the means to buy in bulk.
- Many local restaurants that have recently been inspected and received excellent scores are offering carry-out food and appreciate the business.
- Tip service workers generously if you have the means to do so.
- Continue to support local non-profits, many of which are already suffering a decline in donations.
- The Bend-La Pine School District is providing free “grab-and-go” lunches for kids under 18 and under at five locations through April 28.
- Multiple restaurants are also providing free take-out lunches for kids under 18.
- Stay connected. Use technology to check in with family, friends and even local businesses you normally frequent.
- Call, email and video chat with loved ones.
- Support your neighbors by checking in to see if they need a prescription picked up, groceries delivered, or help with a small household task like rolling out garbage containers.
- Take the time to give a positive online review to a favorite local business.
- Make a gift for someone, whether it’s a playlist of favorite songs, a photo album or a poem.
We are all in this together, and hope for kindness and patience as we collectively make sacrifices and contributions to protect every person in our community. Everyone on our team is working from home, and we are just a phone call and email away if you are curious about the real estate market, need any help or just want to talk.
Sending you good thoughts,
Terry, Jason, Mollie, Cole, Natasha and Jennie