There’s no denying that the Bend Oregon Real Estate Market is back on track and home buying here has been fueled by Millennials (Americans born after 1980).
Why are more Millennials buying homes in 2014? It could be that they feel more optimistic about the economy than other age groups and are not willing to wait to get their piece of the “American Dream”.
Millennial Optimism
A recent survey by PulteGroup, Inc verified this fact when they surveyed 1,000 consumers across the United States and found that 54 percent of consumers were from the Millennials generation and 74 percent of those consumers that were surveyed said that now is a “good” or “excellent” time to buy a home.
No Longer Disenfranchised?
Yes the Millennial generation has been a huge part of the Bend Oregon Real Estate market recently but it didn’t always looks like Millennials would become homebuyers since many economists considered them to be the “disenfranchised” generation but that’s changed over the last 10 years as more millennials have married, gotten jobs and started families.
Owning A Home = Happiness?
The PulteGroup survey confirmed that thanks to their optimism 49 percent of Millennial’s plan on purchasing a home in the near future and 62 percent of Millennial’s that were surveyed feel that owning a home can be associated with happiness, independence and personal achievement.
With Spring Time officially here it’s going to be interesting to see how the Bend Oregon Real Estate market heats up as we get closer to Summer.
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If you’ve been thinking about buying a home in Bend, or you’ve been thinking about selling your home, contact me today for a free Real Estate consultation by calling me at (541) 383-1426.